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Simple Job Tracker is an iPhone* app for window cleaners and other on-premises service providers.

It saves you about one hour per day by automating paper work.

Its like having a secretary in your pocket.

If you visit many addresses per day, your jobs are recurring over time, and you keep track of invoices and payments SJT is for you.

Time spent in one day

both-pies Created with Sketch. Without SJT 7 hours 1:10 With SJT 10 min 8 hours
legend Created with Sketch. Producing end result customers pay for, income generating work. Paperwork


Time and effort are limited.

Why waste them on tasks that do not produce income?

SJT effortlessly tracks your business data as you work so you no longer have to think about it.


It allows you to have answers at your fingertips:

Which jobs are due?
↳ Organise the upcoming months work accurately.

How much does John Smith owe?
↳ Prevent over or undercharging.

How much did I earn today?
↳ See which rounds generate the highest income.

How much did I earn for week/month x?

How much is currently owed by all customers?

When do I have too much work, and when do I have too little?
↳ Plan future team work effectively.

What is my expected future income?

Which jobs are closest to my current position and due?

Which jobs are most overdue?
↳ Get to your most over due jobs first to keep customers happy.

Save time

SJT reduces time and stress spent on paperwork.

Saved time can be used to produce the end result customers pay for.

For example, if you spent 70 minutes per day on paperwork before, SJT could reduce it to 10 minutes.

60 minutes saved
x 20 days
x 12 months
= 240 hours.

Thats 30 days saved per year
(30 x 8 hours).

Re-investing the saved time into actual work at £12 per hour would equal £2,880/year.


SJT detects what address you are currently at by using your GPS location.

Existing customers data will be shown when you arrive at an address.

New customers addresses can be instantly saved.

There is no typing. All addresses are exact and valid.


Set a price and a recurring interval.

The job will be re-scheduled in the future once it is done.


Bill items to the customer when the job is done.


Group items into a single invoice.

Auto generate the next ID or use one from your invoice book.


Keep track of which customers have paid and which have an outstanding balance.

Optionally generate a receipt ID.


View jobs that you have completed for the day in a single list.

Calculate totals for previous weeks, months and years.


View jobs that are due in the future, grouped by week.

Summarise the total income due per week, month or year.

See the upcoming busy and quiet periods.


Search over all your job and payment data, even when offline.


Each member of your team with the SJT app sees the same up to date data.

Easily organise team work and keep track of payments.

Safe &

Data is stored securely in the cloud with automatic backups.

Uses the same highly reliable and secure data centers as Google.

SJT protects you from losing your phone or paper work.

When you install SJT on a new phone and sign in, all your business data will be downloaded.


You can download your data as an Excel workbook at any time.

You can use this to create specific reports, work on a desktop computer in an office for invoicing, or send to an accountant for your end of year tax return.

If you ever want to sell your business, having your data up to date, valid and organised will make things easier.


£20 per user per month.

1 month free trial.

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